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STI Testing

your health matters

Be safe.

Be healthy.

Get tested.

Did you know you should be tested for STIs with each new sexual partner? We are here with you to provide the expert, supportive care you deserve. This includes a personal consultation with one of our Nurses who will take the time to get to know you and your medical needs. In the appointment, we'll discuss the signs, symptoms, and treatment options for STIs. Your Nurse will develop an individual treatment and follow-up plan. Know that no matter the test result, you're not alone. Our medical team, including our Medical Director and Nurse Midwife, work closely with the Spokane Regional Health Department and Spokane Urgent Care to ensure you get prompt treatment.  While you are always welcome to bring a support person, our recommendation is to come to these appointments solo. These appointments usually run for about 60 minutes.

Personal consultation

Each STI appointment starts with a comprehensive sexual health consultation which will be completed by a registered nurse. The nurse will assess, plan, and implement a personalized care plan based on the Washington State Department of Health (WaDOH) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) sexual health recommendations.


Treatment options

After testing, the registered nurse will develop a care plan for treatment. In some cases, treatment may involve referrals to our in-house Nurse Midwife, local urgent care, or Spokane Regional Health Department (SRHD).




We recommend testing with every new partner. We follow WaDOH and CDC guidelines for positive tests, which vary between 1-6 months. Your nurse will create a detailed follow-up plan for your specific needs.

Request your free visit to get the help you need, now.