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Infant Feeding-1

empowered feeding

Every journey

is unique.

Need support and guidance as you navigate feeding your infant? Whether you're looking to breastfeed or bottle feed, we're here with you to provide expert, supportive care. Our Nurse Midwife will join you on your feeding journey to provide individualized care for you and your infant. You are welcome to bring a support person, these appointments usually last about 60 minutes.


Personal consultation

Each baby has their own unique feeding journey; infant feeding is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Our Nurse Midwife will spend time getting to know you and your baby and developing a plan that will fit your individual needs.


Treatment options

Our Nurse Midwife can recommend a variety of treatment options, including pumping, supplementing, and holistic support.




You and your babies’ well-being are our top priority. Most clients return in 1-2 weeks for follow-up, but your and your baby’s needs will determine our personalized care approach. There is also an infant feeding support group run by our Nurse Midwife on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 10am-11am. Here, you can find support and community with other parents sharing their infant feeding journey. Interested in joining? Email for more information.

Request your free visit to get the help you need, now.