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First Trimester Care

Healthy beginnings

Accessible care when you need it.

If applicable after your initial pregnancy test and ultrasound, you may be referred to our Nurse Midwife for further pregnancy care. We are here with you as you navigate your pregnancy journey to ensure you get the care and support you deserve. This can include recommended lab work, test screenings, birth resources/education, and more. You are welcome to bring a support person with you. These appointments usually run for about 60 minutes.

Personal consultation

Each appointment will consist of a comprehensive assessment including weight, blood pressure, and basic prenatal screenings with our Nurse Midwife. You can discuss your pregnancy goals, plan of care, and more. 


Treatment options

Midwifery care is founded on individualized care. You will have the opportunity to discuss all your treatment options, in-depth with our Midwife.




You will be seen every 4-8 weeks for routine midwifery care, this will be determined by our Nurse Midwife. Once you have reached the second trimester of your pregnancy a referral will be made to either a midwife or Ob/Gyn, whichever you decide is best for you. 

Request your free visit to get the help you need, now.